Visualizing Entheon
One of the keys to a good Kickstarter campaign is a good campaign video. When Alex and Allyson Grey came to us to help them visualize Entheon, their dream building to host the whole of Visionary Art including The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, we were excited to help them raise the money they would need to get the museum started.
The building was anything but normal, and it was hard to explain the beauty of the faces, scuptures, and special writing that would make up this vast 3 story temple. So we showed what the vision was with texturing, lighting, compositing, and camera moves. We worked together with Ryan Tottle, the ZBrush sculptor for the building, to make their dream Kickstarter a reality.
Read more about the campaign here:
"Appreciation is vast for Edward Dawson-Taylor and Jackie Cooper whose masterful special effects brought the Entheon building to life. We particularly loved the birds flying in a flock over the sculpted temple. "
And the original kickstarter which raised $210,127 as opposed to the current one of 354,917, up 140,000 dollars!
(And we are listed at the bottom of the Kickstarter campaign under 3D Sculpting, Digital Effects and Videography *grin* )
Keep Visioning!